Supported Metrics

The following tabs represent the Metric Category of HPE StoreOnce

Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsDescription
HPE StoreOnce systemhpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_HealthHPE StoreOnce System Local Storage HealthHPE StoreOnce system local storage health.
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Local Storage StatusHPE StoreOnce system local storage status.
hpe_storeonce_healthStateHPE StoreOnce Health StateHPE StoreOnce hardware monitoring functionality health state. Possible values: OK:0, DEGRADED:1, FAILED:2, UNKNOWN:3
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_ConfiguredBytesHPE StoreOnce System Local Storage ConfiguredBytesBytesHPE StoreOnce system local storage configured bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_UsedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Bytes UsedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Bytes Used
hpe_storeonce_system_localstorage_FreeBytesHPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Free BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Local Storage Free Bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_catalystDataJobSessionsHPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Data Job SessionscountHPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Data Job Sessions
hpe_storeonce_system_nasNumDedupeSessionsHPE StoreOnce System NasNumDedupeSessionscountHPE StoreOnce System NasNumDedupeSessions
hpe_storeonce_system_vtlNumActiveSessionsHPE StoreOnce System VtlNumActiveSessionscountHPE StoreOnce System VtlNumActiveSessions
hpe_storeonce_system_catalystInboundCopyJobSessionsHPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Inbound Copy Job SessionscountHPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Inbound Copy Job Sessions
hpe_storeonce_system_catalystOutboundCopyJobSessionsHPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Outbound Copy Job SessionscountHPE StoreOnce System Catalyst Outbound Copy Job Sessions
hpe_storeonce_system_TotalCpuUtilizationHPE StoreOnce System Total Cpu Utilization%HPE StoreOnce System Total Cpu Utilization
hpe_storeonce_system_TotalPhysicalMemoryHPE StoreOnce System Total Physical MemoryMBHPE StoreOnce System Total Physical Memory
hpe_storeonce_system_memoryUtilizationHPE StoreOnce System Memory Utilization%HPE StoreOnce System Memory Utilization
hpe_storeonce_system_DataDiskUtilisationHPE StoreOnce System Data Disk Utilization%HPE StoreOnce System Data Disk Utilization
hpe_storeonce_system_applianceStatusHPE StoreOnce System Appliance StatusHPE StoreOnce appliance status. Possible values: OK:0, WARNING:1, CRITICAL:2, NOT_HARDWARE:3, NOT_APPLICABLE:4
hpe_storeonce_system_dataServicesStatusHPE StoreOnce System Data Services StatusHPE StoreOnce system data services status .Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4
hpe_storeonce_system_licenseStatusHPE StoreOnce System License StatusHPE StoreOnce system License status. Possible values: OK:0, WARNING:1, CRITICAL:2, NOT_HARDWARE:3, NOT_APPLICABLE:4
hpe_storeonce_system_userStorageStatusHPE StoreOnce System User Storage StatusHPE StoreOnce system user storage status. Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4
hpe_storeonce_system_hardwareStatusHPE StoreOnce System Hardware StatusHPE StoreOnce system hardware status. Possible values are - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, CRITICAL : 2, NOT_HARDWARE : 3, NOT_APPLICABLE : 4
hpe_storeonce_system_remoteSupportStatusHPE StoreOnce System Remote Support StatusHPE StoreOnce system remote support status. Possible values: OK:0, WARNING:1, CRITICAL:2, NOT_HARDWARE:3, NOT_APPLICABLE:4
hpe_storeonce_system_catStoresSummaryHPE StoreOnce System CatStores SummarycountHPE StoreOnce system catstores summary
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudBankStoresSummaryHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Stores SummarycountHPE StoreOnce system cloudbank stores summary
hpe_storeonce_system_nasSharesSummaryHPE StoreOnce System NasShares SummarycountHPE StoreOnce system NasShares summary
hpe_storeonce_system_vtlLibrariesSummaryHPE StoreOnce System VtlLibraries SummarycountHPE StoreOnce system VtlLibraries summary
hpe_storeonce_system_nasRepMappingSummaryHPE StoreOnce System NasRepMapping SummarycountHPE StoreOnce system NasRep Mapping summary
hpe_storeonce_system_vtlRepMappingSummaryHPE StoreOnce System VtlRepMapping SummarycountHPE StoreOnce system VtlRepMapping summary
hpe_storeonce_system_totalActiveSessionsHPE StoreOnce System Total Active SessionscountHPE StoreOnce system total active sessions
hpe_storeonce_system_capacitySavedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Capacity Saved BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce system capacity saved bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_capacitySavedPercentHPE StoreOnce System Capacity Saved Percent%HPE StoreOnce system capacity saved percent
hpe_storeonce_system_userBytesHPE StoreOnce System User BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce system user bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_diskBytesHPE StoreOnce System Disk BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce system disk bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_dedupeRatioHPE StoreOnce System Dedupe RatioHPE StoreOnce system dedupe ratio
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_Catalyst_outboundCloudNetworkThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Outbound Cloud Network ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Outbound Cloud Network Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_Catalyst_inboundCloudNetworkThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Inbound Cloud Network ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Catalyst Inbound Cloud Network Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_vtl_readThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Read ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Read Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_vtl_writeThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Write ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice Vtl Write Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_nas_transmittedThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Transmitted ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Transmitted Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_dataservice_nas_receivedThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Received ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Dataservice NAS Received Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgReceivedBandwidthHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received BandwidthBytesHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received Bandwidth
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgReceivedThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Received Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgTransmittedBandwidthHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted BandwidthBytesHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted Bandwidth
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgTransmittedThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted ThroughputBpsHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Transmitted Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgTargetSessionsHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Target SessionscountHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Target Sessions
hpe_storeonce_system_replication_AvgSourceSessionsHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Source SessionscountHPE StoreOnce System Replication Avg Source Sessions
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_outboundCloudTransmittedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Outbound Cloud Transmitted BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Outbound Cloud Transmitted Bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_inboundCloudReceivedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Inbound Cloud Received BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Inbound Cloud Received Bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_numCloudGetRequestsHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Get Requests CountcountHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Get Requests Count
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_numCloudHeadRequestsHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Head Requests CountcountHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Head Requests Count
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_numCloudPutRequestsHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Put Requests CountcountHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Put Requests Count
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_numCloudPostRequestsHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Post Requests CountcountHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Post Requests Count
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_numCloudListRequestsHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud List Requests CountcountHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud List Requests Count
hpe_storeonce_system_cloudbank_numCloudDeleteRequestsHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Delete Requests CountcountHPE StoreOnce System Cloudbank Cloud Delete Requests Count
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_pendingBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Pending BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Pending Bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_freedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Freed BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Freed Bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_RemovedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Removed BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Removed Bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_housekeeping_processedBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Processed BytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Housekeeping Processed Bytes
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_UtilisationHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Utilisation%HPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Utilisation
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_readThroughputHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Read ThroughputMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Read Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_WriteThroughputHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Write ThroughputMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk Write Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_readsPerSecondHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk ReadsPerSecondrpsHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk ReadsPerSecond
hpe_storeonce_system_osdisk_writesPerSecondHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk WritesPerSecondwpsHPE StoreOnce System OSDisk WritesPerSecond
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_UtilisationHPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Utilisation%HPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Utilisation
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_readThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Read ThroughputMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Read Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_WriteThroughputHPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Write ThroughputMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Write Throughput
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_readsPerSecondHPE StoreOnce System DataDisk Reads per SecondrpsHPE StoreOnce System DataDisk Reads per Second
hpe_storeonce_system_datadisk_writesPerSecondHPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Writes per SecondwpsHPE StoreOnce System Datadisk Writes per Second
hpe_storeonce_system_ethernetport_receiveRateHPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Receive RateMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Receive Rate
hpe_storeonce_system_ethernetport_TransferRateHPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Transfer RateMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System Ethernetport Transfer Rate
hpe_storeonce_system_fcport_receiveRateHPE StoreOnce System FCPort Receive RateMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System FCPort Receive Rate
hpe_storeonce_system_fcport_TransferRateHPE StoreOnce System FCPort Transfer RateMiB/sHPE StoreOnce System FCPort Transfer Rate
hpe_storeonce_cat_HealthHPE StoreOnce Cat Health StateHPE StoreOnce cat store health state. Possible values are - UNKNOWN: 0, OK: 1, INFORMATION: 2, WARNING: 3, CRITICAL: 4
hpe_storeonce_cat_StatusHPE StoreOnce Cat StatusHPE StoreOnce CatStore Status. Possible values are - UNUSED: 0, ONLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7, OFFLINE: 8
hpe_storeonce_cat_IsOnlineHPE StoreOnce CatStore IsOnlineHPE StoreOnce CatStore IsOnline. Possible values: FALSE: 0, TRUE: 1
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_CapacityBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset CapacityBytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset CapacityBytes
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_DiskBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset DiskBytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset DiskBytes
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_FreeBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset FreeBytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset FreeBytes
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_UserBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset UserBytesBytesHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset UserBytes
hpe_storeonce_serviceset_DedupeRatioHPE StoreOnce System Serviceset Dedupe Ratio%HPE StoreOnce System Serviceset Dedupe Ratio
HPE StoreOnce System CPUhpe_storeonce_system_cpu_StatusHPE StoreOnce System CPU StatusHPE StoreOnce system CPU status. Possible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System iLOModulehpe_storeonce_system_ilomodule_StatusHPE StoreOnce System iLOModule StatusHPE StoreOnce system iLOModule status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Fanhpe_storeonce_system_fan_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Fan StatusHPE StoreOnce system Fan status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System HBAhpe_storeonce_system_hba_StatusHPE StoreOnce System HBA StatusHPE StoreOnce system HBA status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
hpe_storeonce_system_hbaPort_StatusHPE StoreOnce System HBA Port StatusHPE StoreOnce system HBA Port status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Memory DIMMhpe_storeonce_system_memorydimm_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Memory DIMM StatusHPE StoreOnce system Memory DIMM status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System NIChpe_storeonce_system_nic_StatusHPE StoreOnce System NIC StatusHPE StoreOnce system NIC status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System porthpe_storeonce_system_port_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Port StatusHPE StoreOnce system Port status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System PowerSupplyhpe_storeonce_system_powersupply_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Power Supply StatusHPE StoreOnce system Power Supply status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Temperature Sensorhpe_storeonce_system_tempsensor_TemperatureHPE StoreOnce System TempSensor TemperatureCHPE StoreOnce system TempSensor Temperature
hpe_storeonce_system_tempsensor_StatusHPE StoreOnce System TempSensor StatusHPE StoreOnce system TempSensor status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Storage Clusterhpe_storeonce_system_storagecluster_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Storage Cluster StatusHPE StoreOnce system Storage Cluster status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Storage Controllerhpe_storeonce_system_storagecontroller_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Storage Controller StatusHPE StoreOnce system Storage Controller status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Batteryhpe_storeonce_system_battery_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Battery StatusHPE StoreOnce system Battery status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System IOCacheModulehpe_storeonce_system_iocachemodule_ReadCacheRatioHPE StoreOnce System IO Cache Module Read Cache RatioHPE StoreOnce system IO Cache Module Read Cache Ratio
hpe_storeonce_system_iocachemodule_WriteCacheRatioHPE StoreOnce System IO Cache Module Write Cache RatioHPE StoreOnce system IO Cache Module Write Cache Ratio
hpe_storeonce_system_iocachemodule_StatusHPE StoreOnce System IO Cache Module StatusHPE StoreOnce system IO Cache Module status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Poolhpe_storeonce_system_pool_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Pool StatusHPE StoreOnce system Pool status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Volumehpe_storeonce_system_volume_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Volume StatusHPE StoreOnce system Volume status. Possible values: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System FileSystemhpe_storeonce_system_filesystem_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Filesystem StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
hpe_storeonce_system_filesystem_UtilizationHPE StoreOnce System Filesystem Utilization%Filesystem utilization
hpe_storeonce_system_filesystem_InodesUtilizationHPE StoreOnce System Filesystem Inodes Utilization%Filesystem inodes utilization
HPE StoreOnce System Drive Enclosurehpe_storeonce_system_driveenclosure_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Drive Enclosure StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Drivehpe_storeonce_system_drive_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Drive StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce System Drive TempSensorhpe_storeonce_system_drive_TemperatureHPE StoreOnce System Drive TemperatureCDrive temperature
hpe_storeonce_system_drive_tempsensor_StatusHPE StoreOnce System Drive TempSensor StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Clusterhpe_storeonce_storagecluster_HardwareStatusHPE StoreOnce Storagecluster Hardware StatusHardware status. Possible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
hpe_storeonce_storagecluster_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storagecluster StatusHPE StoreOnce storage cluster status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7
HHPE StoreOnce Storage Controllerhpe_storeonce_storage_supercapacitor_EstimatedChargeRemainingHPE StoreOnce Storage Supercapacitor Estimated Remaining Charge%HPE StoreOnce storage super capacitor estimated charge remaining
HPE StoreOnce Storage Super Capacitorhpe_storeonce_storage_supercapacitor_EstimatedChargeRemainingHPE StoreOnce Storage Supercapacitor Estimated Remaining Charge%Estimated remaining charge
hpe_storeonce_storage_supercapacitor_ChargeStatusHPE StoreOnce Storeage Supercapacitor Charge StatusHPE StoreOnce storage supercapacitor charge status. Possible values : UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7
hpe_storeonce_storage_supercapacitor_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Supercapacitor StatusHPE StoreOnce storage supercapacitor status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage IOCacheModulehpe_storeonce_storage_iocachemodule_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage IOCacheModule StatusHPE StoreOnce storage IOCache module status. Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Port>hpe_storeonce_storage_port_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Port StatusPort status. Possible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Temperature Sensorhpe_storeonce_storage_tempsensor_TemperatureHPE StoreOnce Storage Tempsensor TemperatureCHPE StoreOnce storage tempsensor temperature
hpe_storeonce_storage_tempsensor_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Tempsensor StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Poolhpe_storeonce_storage_pool_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Pool StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Volumehpe_storeonce_storage_volume_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Volume StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Drive Enclosurehpe_storeonce_storage_driveenclosure_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Driveenclosure StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
hpe_storeonce_storage_enclosureport_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Enclosure Port StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
hpe_storeonce_storage_enclosureprocessor_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Enclosure Processor StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage IOModulehpe_storeonce_storage_iomodule_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage IO Module StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Management Processorhpe_storeonce_storage_mgmtprocessor_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Mgmt Processor StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Enclosure Porthpe_storeonce_storage_enclosureport_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Enclosure Port StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Managed Cablehpe_storeonce_storage_managedcable_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage ManagedCable StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage PowerSupplyhpe_storeonce_storage_powersupply_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Power Supply StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Fanhpe_storeonce_storage_fan_SpeedHPE StoreOnce Storage Fan SpeedrpmFan speed
hpe_storeonce_storage_fan_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Fan StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Temperature Sensorhpe_storeonce_storage_tempsensor_TemperatureHPE StoreOnce Storage Tempsensor TemperatureCHPE StoreOnce storage tempsensor temperature.
hpe_storeonce_storage_tempsensor_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Tempsensor StatusHPE StoreOnce storage tempsensor status. Possible values: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Drivehpe_storeonce_storage_drive_TotalHoursPoweredOnHPE StoreOnce Storage Drive Total Hours Powered OnhTotal powered-on hours
hpe_storeonce_storage_drive_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Drive StatusHPE StoreOnce storage drive status.Possible values are: UNUSED : 0, OFFLINE : 1, UNAUTHORIZED : 2, DEGRADED : 3, FAILED : 4, UNKNOWN : 5, MISSING : 6, OK : 7
HPE StoreOnce Storage Drive TempSensorhpe_storeonce_storagedrive_tempsensor_TemperatureHPE StoreOnce Storage Drive Tempsensor TemperatureCStorage drive tempsensor temperature
hpe_storeonce_storagedrive_tempsensor_StatusHPE StoreOnce Storage Drive Tempsensor StatusPossible values are: UNUSED: 0, OFFLINE: 1, UNAUTHORIZED: 2, DEGRADED: 3, FAILED: 4, UNKNOWN: 5, MISSING: 6, OK: 7

Default Monitoring Configurations

HPE StoreOnce has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: hpe-storeonce HPE StoreOnce System - 1 (i.e, appName = hpe-storeonce, nativeType = HPE StoreOnce System, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: hpe-storeonce HPE StoreOnce System Template - 1 (i.e, appName = hpe-storeonce, nativeType = HPE StoreOnce System, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: hpe-storeonce HPE StoreOnce System Monitor hpe-storeonce HPE StoreOnce System 1(i.e, monitorKey = HPE StoreOnce System, appName = hpe-storeonce, nativeType = HPE StoreOnce System, version = 1)