
The OpsRamp’s Batch Export integration allows you to efficiently export Audit data to external storage solutions like Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage. The integration enables you to export detailed audit logs for tracking user activities, system changes, and security events. It ensures compliance and provides a transparent record of operational actions within the OpsRamp platform.

Install Batch Export integration

Here is how to configure a batch export for the Audit category type.

  • To configure other types of export categories, refer Export Categories document for more details.
  1. Navigate to Setup → Account. The Account Details screen is displayed.

  2. Select the Integrations tile. The Installed Integrations screen is displayed, with all the installed applications.

  3. If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations screen. The Available Integrations screen displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for Batch Export application using the search option available. Alternatively, search for Exports from All Categories option and select it.

  4. Click +ADD in Batch Export tile. The ADD BATCH EXPORT screen is displayed.

  5. Enter the following basic details:

    Mandatory fields
    Field NameField TypeDescription
    NameStringUnique name of the export.
    Category TypeDropdownType of data to export: Audit.
    Export toDropdownSelect the integration: AWS S3 or Blob Storage.
    If the integration is not available, you can create one:
    1. Click anywhere in the dropdown and click +ADD.
      The ADD INTEGRATION window is displayed.

    2. Select an Integration type from the dropdown and enter the required information in the fields.
    • For AWS S3:
      1. Name: Name of the Integration.
      2. Access Key ID: Unique identifier for the Amazon S3 bucket.
      3. Secret access key: Key and secret generated from the portal.
      4. Confirm Secret access key: Re-enter the secret access key.
      5. Bucket Name: Name of the AWS S3 bucket for the export data.
      6. Base URI: Data location in the AWS S3 bucket.
      7. Click ADD. The integration is added.
    • For Blob Storage:
      1. Name: Enter the integration name.
      2. Storage account name: Azure Blob account name.
      3. Secret access key: Access key generated from the portal.
      4. Confirm Secret access key: Reenter the secret access key.
      5. Container name: Name of the Azure container for the export data.
      6. Base URI: Data location in the container.
      7. Click ADD. The integration is added.
    Failure Export NotificationCheckboxIf you enable this option, you will receive a notification if the export fails.
    • All: Select All to export data for all clients under the partner.
    • Clients: Select Clients to export data for a specific client.
      1. Select a client from the dropdown.

    SCHEDULE: Specify the frequency of data generation.

    Field NameField TypeDescription
    ON DEMANDSelectionGenerates exports when a request is created or rerun.
    HOURLYSelectionGenerates export data at a specified interval.
    DAILYSelectionGenerates export data daily at the specified time.
    WEEKLYSelectionGenerates export data weekly on the specified day and time.
    MONTHLYSelectionGenerates export data monthly on the specified day and time.

  6. Click FINISH. The integration is installed.

If the provided information is correct, then the integration will be saved without any errors.