Citrix Virtual applicationss and Desktops provides virtualization solutions that give IT control of virtual machines, applications, and security while providing anywhere access for any device.The service allows you to manage on-premises data center and public cloud workloads together in a hybrid deployment.
Available resources under Citrix Virtual applications and Desktops are as follows:
Citrix Site: A site is the name you give to citrix Cloud deployment. It comprises the Delivery Controllers and other core components, Virtual Delivery Agents (VDAs), connections to hosts, machine catalogs, and delivery groups.
Delivery Group: A delivery group specifies one or more machines from a catalog.
Machine Catalog: A Machine catalog is a collection of virtual or physical machines that have the same operating system type (for example, Windows multi-session, Ubuntu single-session).
Citrix Desktop: A virtual desktop is a software computing platform with applicationss and data that is accessible from multiple devices and locations over a network.
Citrix Application: Citrix Workspace application provides users with quick, secure, self-service access to documents, applications, and desktops. Citrix Workspace application provides on-demand access to Windows, Web, and Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.
Citrix Machine:Citrix Machine Creation Services is a component of the XenDesktop virtual desktop infrastructure platform that IT administrators use to design and deliver virtual desktop images.
Citrix Architecture diagram:
Citrix site overview
Get Customer ID and Region
Login to Citrix Cloud portal.
Once you log in, you can find the Customer ID on the right pane as shown below:
On the left pane, click Menu.
From the list click Home. You can find the region in URL as shown below:
For example, Region Name:
Get Client ID and Secret Key
Login to Citrix Cloud portal.
Once you log in, on the left pane, click Menu.
Click Identity and Access Management. In the Identity and Access Management page, select the API Access tab.
In Secure Clients screen, enter the client name and click Create Client as shown below:
From the create client details page, copy or download the client ID and secret key.
Supported Metrics
Click here to view the supported metrics
Metric Name
Metric Display Name
citrixcvda_site_LicenseGraceSessionsRemaining The number of concurrent grace sessions remaining.
License Grace Sessions Remaining
citrixcvda_site_LicensedSessionsActive The number of active licensed sessions.
Licensed Sessions Active
citrixcvda_site_PeakConcurrentLicenseUsers The peak number of concurrent license users.
Peak Concurrent License Users
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_SessionCount The number of sessions of the delivery group.
Session Count
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_TotalMachines Shows the total number of machines.
Total Machines
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_MachineUnregisteredCount Shows the unregistered machine count.
Unregistered Machine Count
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_SessionLingering Shows the lingering session enabling state. Possible values: 0- false, 1- true
Session Lingering Enabled
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_SessionPrelaunch Shows the pre-launch session enabling state. Possible values: 0- false, 1- true
Prelaunch Session Enabled
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_StateEnabled Shows the delivery group enabling state. Possible values: 0 -false, 1 - true
Delivery Group State Enabled
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_RegisteredMachines Shows the number of registered machines.
Registered Machines
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_DesktopsAvailable Shows the number of desktops available.
Desktops Count
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_DesktopsDisconnected Shows the count of disconnected desktops.
Disconnected Desktops Count
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_DesktopsFaulted Shows the number of faulted desktops.
Faulted Desktops Count
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_DesktopsUnregistered Shows the number of unregistered desktops.
Unregistered Desktops Count
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_IsBroken Shows the broken state of delivery group. Possible values: 0 - false, 1 - true
Is Delivery Group Broken
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_MachinesInMaintenanceMode Shows the number of machines in maintenance mode.
Machines In Maintenance Mode
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_DesktopsInUse Shows the number of desktops in used state.
Desktops In Use
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_DesktopsNeverRegistered Shows the number of desktops that are not registered.
Desktops Never Registered
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_DesktopsPreparing Shows the number of desktops preparing.
Preparing Desktops Count
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_MaxAverageLoadThreshold Shows the maximum average load threshold value of a delivery group.
Max Average Load Threshold
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_OffPeakBufferSizePercent Shows the percentage of off peak buffer size.
Off Peak Buffer Size Percent
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_PeakBufferSizePercent Shows the percentage of peak buffer size.
Peak Buffer Size Percent
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_SecureIcaRequired Shows whether the securelca is required or not. Possible values: 0 -false, 1- true
SecureIca Required
citrixcvda_deliverygroup_UnassignedMachines Shows the number of unassigned machines.
Unassigned Machines Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_DiskSizeGB Shows the machine catalog disk size in GB.
Machine Catalog Disk Size
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_CpuCount Shows the count of CPU.
CPU Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_CoresPerCpuCount Shows the available cores per CPU count.
Cores Per CPU Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_MemoryMB Shows the memory in MB.
Memory In MB
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_MachineCount Shows the machine count.
Machine Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_AssignedCount Shows the machine catalog assigned count.
Assigned Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_IsBroken Shows the machine catalog broken state. Possible values: 0- false, 1 - true.
Machine Catalog Broken State
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_DiskImageStatus Shows the disk image status. Possible values: 0 - Unknown, 1- Other.
Disk Image Status
None (Enum)
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_NumAvailableMachineAccounts Shows the numer of avalailable machine accounts.
Available Machine Accounts Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_JobsInProgress Shows the number of jobs that are in progress state.
Jobs In Progress
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_AvailableAssignedCount Shows the available assigned count.
Available Assigned Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_AvailableCount Shows the number of machine catalogs available.
Machine Catalog Available Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_AvailableUnassignedCount Shows the machine catalog available unassigned count.
Machine Catalog Available Unassigned Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_TotalCount Shows the total machine catalogs count.
Machine Catalog Total Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_UnassignedCount Shows the machine catalog unassigned count.
Machine Catalog Unassigned Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_UsedCount Shows the machine catalog Used Count.
Machine Catalog Used Count
citrixcvda_machinecatalog_ProvisioningProgress Shows the machine catalog provisioning progress.
Machine Catalog Provisioning Progress
citrixcvda_desktop_MachinesForAssignment Shows the number of desktop machines for assignment.
Desktop Machines For Assignment
citrixcvda_desktop_Enabled Shows the desktop enabling state. Possible values: 0 -false, 1- true.
Desktop Enabling State
citrixcvda_desktop_ExcludedUserFilterEnabled Shows the excluded user filter enabling state. Possible values: 0- false, 1- true.
Excluded User Filter Enabling State
citrixcvda_desktop_IncludedUserFilterEnabled Shows the included user filter enabling state. Possible values: 0- false, 1- true.
Included User Filter Enabling State
citrixcvda_desktop_LeasingBehavior Shows the desktop leasing behavior. Possible values: 1- Allowed , 0- Notallowed.
Desktop Leasing Behavior
None (Enum)
citrixcvda_desktop_MaxDesktops Shows the maximum desktops count.
Maximum Desktops
citrixcvda_desktop_SessionReconnection Shows the desktop session reconnection. Possible values: 0 - Unknown, 1- Alaways.
Desktop Session Reconnection
None (Enum)
citrixcvda_desktop_SecureIcaRequired Shows if the desktop secureIca required. Possible values: 0- false, 1- true.
Desktop SecureIca Required
citrixcvda_application_Enabled Shows the application enabling state. Possible values: 0-false, 1-true.
Application Enabling State
citrixcvda_application_MaxPerUserInstances Shows the values of max per user instances.
Max Per User Instances
citrixcvda_machine_PowerState Shows the machine power state. Possible values: 0- Off, 1- On.
Power State
None (Enum)
citrixcvda_machine_MaintanenceMode Shows the maintenance mode status. Possible values: 0 - false, 1 - true.
Maintanence Mode
citrixcvda_machine_RegistrationState Shows the registration state. Possible values: 0- Unregistered, 1- Registered.
Registration State
None (Enum)
citrixcvda_machine_ImageOutOfDate Shows the image out of date value. Possible values: 0- false, 1- true.
Is Image Out Of Date
citrixcvda_machine_IsAssigned Shows Is Assigned machine value. Possible values: 0-false, 1 - true.
Assigned State
citrixcvda_machine_LoadIndex Shows machine load index value.
citrixcvda_machine_FaultState Shows fault state of machone. Possible values: 0 - "None", 1-"Unknown".
Fault State
None (Enum)
Configure the integration
From All Clients, select a client.
Go to Setup > Account.
Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed. Note: If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the ADD APP page.
Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version. Note: You can even search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.