
Cisco HyperFlex integration uses REST APIs to enable hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) platform components monitoring.\

Supported Target Versions

  • Cisco Hyperflex Data Platform: 4.0(2d)
  • Gateway: 9.0 and above

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
ComponentMetric NameMetric Display NameUnits
Hyperflex Clusterhyperflex_cluster_StateHyperflex Cluster State
hyperflex_cluster_SpaceStatusHyperflex Cluster SpaceStatus
hyperflex_cluster_RawCapacityHyperflex Cluster RawCapacityterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_TotalCapacityHyperflex Cluster TotalCapacityterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_CapacityUtilizationHyperflex Cluster CapacityUtilizationpercent
hyperflex_cluster_FreeCapacityHyperflex Cluster FreeMemoryterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_UsedCapacityHyperflex Cluster UsedMemoryterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_TotalSavingsHyperflex Cluster TotalSavingspercent
hyperflex_cluster_CompressionSavingsHyperflex Cluster CompressionSavingspercent
hyperflex_cluster_DeduplicationSavingsHyperflex DuplicationSavingspercent
hyperflex_cluster_ResiliencyStateHyperflex ResilienceState
hyperflex_cluster_PolicyComplianceHyperflex Cluster PolicyCompliance
hyperflex_cluster_alarm_HXA-CLU-0012Hyperflex Alarm HXA CLU 0012
hyperflex_cluster_alarm_HXA-CLU-0016Hyperflex Alarm HXA CLU 0016
hyperflex_cluster_event_HXSSHAccessToggleActionSuccessHyperflex Event HXSshAccessToggleActionSuccess
hyperflex_cluster_event_AlarmTriggeredHyperflex Event AlarmTriggered
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeUpgradeCompletedEventHyperflex Event NodeUpgradeCompletedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterUpgradeStartedEventHyperflex Event ClusterUpgradeStartedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeUpgradeStartedEventHyperflex Event NodeUpgradeStartedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_BytesCluster Read ThroughPut
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_RateCluster Read IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_CountCluster Read Latency
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_CountCluster Write Latency
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_RateCluster Write IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_BytesHyperflex Host Status
Hyperflex Hosthyperflex_cluster_host_StatusHyperflex Node State
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_BytesHyperflex Host Read ThroughPut
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_RateHyperflex Host Read IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_CountHyperflex Host Read Latency
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_CountHyperflex Host Write Latency
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_RateHyperflex Host Write IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_BytesHyperflex Host Write ThroughPut
Node Diskhyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_MediumHyperflex Node Disk Medium
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_UsageHyperflex Node Disk Usage
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_CapacityHyperflex Node Disk Capacitygigabytes
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_UsedCapacityHyperflex Node Disk UsedCapacitygigabytes
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_FreeCapacityHyperflex Node Disk FreeCapacitygigabytes
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_UtilizationHyperflex Node Disk Utilizationpercent
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_StateHyperflex Node Disk State<
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_StatusHyperflex Node Disk Status
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_TypeHyperflex Node Disk Type
ControllerVMhyperflex_cluster_node_controller_vm_StateHyperflex Node controllerVM State
hyperflex_cluster_node_controller_vm_Disk_CountHyperflex Node controllerVM Disk Countcount
hyperflex_cluster_node_controller_vm_ConfiguredMemoryHyperflex Node controllerVM memorybytes
VirtualMachinehyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_StateHyperflex Virtual Machine State
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_UsedCapacityHyperflex Virtual Machine UsedCapacitygigabytes
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_CapacityHyperflex Virtual Machine Storage Capacitygigabytes
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_FreeCapacityHyperflex Virtual Machine FreeCapacitygigabytes
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_UtlizationHyperflex Virtual Machine Storage Utilizationpercent
Datastorehyperflex_cluster_datastore_TotalCapacityHyperflex Datastore TotalCapacityterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_FreeCapacityHyperflex Datastore FreeCapacityterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_UsedCapacityHyperflex Datastore UsedCapacityterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_ProvisionedCapacityHyperflex Datastore ProvisionedCapacityterabytes
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_UnCompressedUsedHyperflex Datastore UnCompressedUsedgigabytes
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_UtlizationHyperflex Datastore Utilizationpercent
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_MirrorsHyperflex Datastore Mirrorscount
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_Num_of_StripesforLargeFilesHyperflex Datastore NumofStripesForLargeFilescount
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_DataBlock_SizeHyperflex Datastore DataBlock Sizekilobytes
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_StatusHyperflex Datastore Status

Create a credential

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. Go to Setup > Accounts > Clients.
  3. On the client Credentials tab, add the credential information.

Configure and install the integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed. If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the Available Integrations and Apps page.
  5. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Alternatively, use the All Categories option to search.
  6. Click ADD in the Cisco HyperFlex application.
  7. In the Configuration page, enter the below information:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
Ip AddressEnter the IP address.
CredentialSetSelect the CredentialSet from the drop-down list.

Note: Click + Add to create a credential.
  1. From the FILTER CRITERIA section, select:

    • SMART: Use to filter resources based on the resource type.
    • RESOURCE: Use to filter resources based on certain resource attributes.
  2. In the FILTER BY RESOURCE TYPE section, select:

    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
    • Enter the Key, Operator, and Value information.
  3. From the Perform Actions section, choose Manage Device to set the resources as managed.

  4. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select recurrence pattern to add one of the following patterns:

    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  5. (Optional) Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

  6. Click NEXT.

Cisco HyperFlex Integrations
  1. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector by providing a name or use the pre-populated name.
Aruba Airwave Integrations
  1. Select an existing registered profile, and click FINISH.

The application is now installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATIONS page. Use the search field to find the installed application.

  1. (Optional), Select the Cisco HyperFlex Integration.
  2. (Optional), Click the ellipses and choose the View resources option.

Cisco HyperFlex Integrations

Supported templates

The gateway is the collector type for the following supported HyperFlex metrics:

HyperflexAlarmTemplateMonitors HyperflexAlarmMonitor metrics
HyperflexClusterEventsTemplateMonitors HyperflexClusterEventsMonitor metrics
HyperflexClusterPerformanceTemplateMonitors HyperflexClusterPerformanceMonitor metrics
HyperflexClusterTemplateMonitors HyperflexClusterMonitor metrics
HyperflexControllerVmTemplateMonitors HyperflexControllerVMMonitor metrics
HyperflexDatastoreTemplateMonitors HyperflexDatastoreMonitor metrics
HyperflexHostPerformanceTemplateMonitors HyperflexHostPerformanceMonitor metrics
HyperflexNodeDiskTemplateMonitors HyperflexNodeDiskMonitor metrics
HyperflexHostTemplateMonitors hyperflex host status info. Validated against hyperflex version 4.0.2d-35606
HyperflexVirtualMachineTemplateMonitors HyperflexVirtualMachineMonitor metrics

Event processing

Event data is collected from the configured Hyperflex cluster and posted directly to alerts. The following templates do data collection and post alerts:

  • CI-HyperflexAlarmTemplate
  • CI-HyperflexClusterEventsTemplate

These templates do not have metric graphs or the latest snapshot data.

View the Cisco HyperFlex details

Assign monitoring templates to the resource

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Resources.
  2. From the Cisco HyperFlex resources page, click the resource name and go to the resource details.
  3. Go to Monitors > Template.
  4. From the Templates screen, click +Assign Templates.
  5. From the Apply Templates screen, go to Select Templates > Available templates and select the templates.
  6. Click Assign.

Validation the resource is successfully added

The gateway monitors the application using the assigned templates and displays the results in a graphical format.

To confirm that the device is being monitored, review the following:

  • The graph plotted for each metric in the template.
  • Alerts generated for metrics in the template by giving thresholds.