Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NamesDisplay NameMetric CategoryUnitApplication VersionDescription
Eternus Storageeternus_storage_system_StatusEternus Storage System StatusAvailability1.0.0Eternus Storage System Status. Possible Values are Normal:0,Empty:1,Pinned Data:2,Unused:3,Warning:4,Maintenance:5,Error:6,Loop Down:7,Not Ready:8,Subsystem Down:9,Change Assigned CM:10
eternus_storage_enclosure_StatusEternus Storage Enclosure StatusAvailability1.0.0Eternus Storage System Enclosure Status.Possible Values are Normal:0,Other:1
eternus_storage_port_link_StatusEternus Storage Port Link StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric represents Link status of SAS expander ports (the interfaces linking controllers and drive enclosures).Possible Values are Link Up:0,N/A:1,Link Down:2
Eternus Controller Enclosureeternus_controller_enclosure_StatusEternus Controller Enclosure StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of Eternus controller enclosure.Possible Values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_controller_enclosure_intakeTemp_StatusEternus Controller Enclosure Intake Temperature StatusThermal1.0.0This metric displays CE intake temperature status.Possible Values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_controller_enclosure_exhaustTemp_StatusEternus Controller Enclosure Exhaust Temperature StatusThermal1.0.0This metric displays CE exhaust temperature status.Possible Values are Normal:0,Other:1
eternus_controller_enclosure_CM_StatusEternus Controller Module StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of controller module of a controller enclosure.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_controller_enclosure_PSU_StatusEternus Controller Enclosure PSU StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of power supply unit of a controller enclosure.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_controller_enclosure_Disk_StatusEternus Controller Enclosure Disk StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the disk status of a controller enclosure.Possible Values are Available:0,Spare:1,Available(Predictive Failure):2,Present:3,Rebuild/Copyback:4,Broken:5,Not Available:6
eternus_controller_module_BusyRateEternus Controller Module Busy RatePerformance%1.0.0This metric displays the controller modules busy rate in percentage
eternus_controller_module_CopyResidualQuantityEternus Controller Module Copy Residual QuantityUsageMB1.0.0This metric displays the controller module copy residual quantity in MB
eternus_port_ReadIOEternus Port ReadIOPerformanceIOPS1.0.0This metric displays the read IO of eternus host interface port(FC or iSCSI)
eternus_port_WriteIOEternus Port WriteIOPerformanceIOPS1.0.0This metric displays the write IO of eternus host interface port(FC or iSCSI)
eternus_port_throughput_ReadEternus Port Throughput ReadPerformanceMBps1.0.0This metric displays the read throughput of eternus host interface port(FC or iSCSI)
eternus_port_throughput_WriteEternus Port Throughput WritePerformanceMBps1.0.0This metric displays the write throughput of eternus host interface port(FC or iSCSI)
Eternus Frontend Enclosureeternus_frontend_enclosure_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of Frontend enclosure of eternus .Possible Values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_frontend_enclosure_intakeTemp_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure Intake TemperatureThermal1.0.0This metric displays the intake temperature status of frontend enclosure of eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_frontend_enclosure_exhaustTemp_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure Exhaust TemperatureThermal1.0.0This metric displays the exhaust temperature status of Frontend enclosure of eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1
eternus_frontend_enclosure_FRT_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure FRT StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the Front end Router status of Frontend enclosure of an eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_frontend_enclosure_SVC_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure SVC StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the service controller status of Frontend enclosure of an eternus device.Possible values are NOrmal:0,Other:1.
eternus_frontend_enclosure_FanUnit_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure Fan Unit StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the FU status of Frontend enclosure of an eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_frontend_enclosure_Operationpanel_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure Operation Panel StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the operation panel status of Frontend enclosure of an eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_frontend_enclosure_PSU_StatusEternus Frontend Enclosure PSU StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the power supply unit status of Frontend enclosure of an eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
Eternus Drive Enclosureeternus_drive_enclosure_StatusEternus Drive Enclosure StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of drive enclosure of a eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_drive_enclosure_intakeTemp_StatusEternus Drive Enclosure Intake TemperatureThermal1.0.0This metric displays the intake temperature status of DE of an eternus device.Possible Values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_drive_enclosure_exhaustTemp_StatusEternus Drive Enclosure Exhaust TemperatureThermal1.0.0This metric displays the exhaust temperature status of a drive enclosure of eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_drive_enclosure_IOM_StatusEternus Drive Enclosure IOM StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of I/O Module of a drive enclosure of eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1
eternus_drive_enclosure_FEM_StatusEternus Drive Enclosure FEM StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of Fan expander module of a DE of eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
eternus_drive_enclosure_PSU_StatusEternus Drive Enclosure PSU StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the PSU status of a drive enclosure of eternus device.Possible values are Normal:0,Other:1.
Eternus Disk Driveeternus_drive_StatusEternus Drive StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of disk drive of an eternus device.Possible Values are Available:0,Spare:1,Available(Predictive Failure):2,Present:3,Rebuild/Copyback:4,Broken:5,Not Available:6
eternus_drive_HealthPctEternus Drive Health PercentagePerformance%1.0.0This metric displays the health status of eternus disk drive in percentage
eternus_drive_BusyRateEternus Drive Busy RatePerformance%1.0.0This metric displays the busy rate of eternus disk drive in percentage
eternus_drive_mediaerror_CountEternus Drive Media Error CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0This metric displays the media error count of eternus disk drive
eternus_drive_driveerror_CountEternus Drive Error CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0This metric displays the drive error count of eternus disk drive
eternus_drive_driveRecoverederror_CountEternus Drive Recovered Error CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0This metric displays the drive recovered error count of eternus disk drive
eternus_drive_smartevent_CountEternus Drive Smart Event CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0This metric displays the smart event count of eternus disk drive
eternus_drive_IOTimeout_CountEternus Drive IO Timeout CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0This metric displays the IO Timeout count of eternus disk drive
eternus_drive_linkerror_CountEternus Drive Link Error CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0This metric displays the link error count of eternus disk drive
eternus_drive_checkcodeerror_CountEternus Drive Check Code Error CountAvailabilitycount1.0.0This metric displays the checkcode error count of eternus disk drive
Eternus RAID Groupeternus_raidgroup_statusEternus Raid Group StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of RAID Group of an eternus device.Possible values are Available:0,Spare in Use:1,SED Locked:2
eternus_raidgroup_UsedCapacityEternus RAID Group Used CapacityUsageMB1.0.0This metric displays the used capacity of eternus RAID Group in MB
eternus_raidgroup_Capacity_UtilizationEternus RAID Group Capacity UtilizationUsage%1.0.0This metric displays the capacity utilization of eternus RAID Group in percentage
Eternus Volumeeternus_volume_StatusEternus Volume StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of volume of an eternus device.Possible Values are Available:0,Other:1
Eternus Pooleternus_thinprovisioning_StatusEternus Thin Provisioning StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the thin provisioning enable status of an eternus device.Possible values are Enable:0,Disable:1
eternus_thin_pro_pool_StatusEternus Thin Provisioning Pool StatusAvailability1.0.0This metric displays the status of thin provisioning pool in an eternus device.Possible values are Available:0,Other:1.
eternus_thin_pro_pool_UsedCapacityEternus Thin Provisioning Pool Used CapacityUsageTB1.0.0This metric displays the used capacity of a TPP in eternus device
eternus_thin_pro_pool_UtilizationEternus Thin Provisioning Pool UtilizationUsage%1.0.0This metric displays the utilization of TPP in an eternus device

Default Monitoring Configurations

Eternus has a default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. Users can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business use cases by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. OpsRamp recommends doing this activity before installing the app to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    OpsRamp has a Global Device Management Policy for each Native Type of Eternus. You can find those Device Management Policies at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies, search with suggested names in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: eternus Eternus Storage - 1 (i.e, appName = eternus, nativeType = Eternus Storage, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    OpsRamp has a Global Template for each Native Type of Eternus. You can find those templates at Setup > Monitoring > Templates, search with suggested names in Global Scope. Each template follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: eternus Eternus Storage Template - 1 (i.e, appName = eternus, nativeType = Eternus Storage, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    OpsRamp will have a Global Monitors for each Native Type which has monitoring support. You can find those monitors at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors, search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: Eternus Storage Monitor eternus Eternus Storage 1(i.e, monitorKey = Eternus Storage Monitor, appName = eternus, nativeType = Eternus Storage, version = 1)