
The Availability Details application will provide you with a summary of the availability or detailed outages of resources, service groups, and synthetics over a certain time period.

Configuration Parameters

  • Query: Use the query to select the entities that you wish to include in the report.
    • Default query: The default query {state=active and monitorable=true} will be populated by default when an asset inventory app opens. The user can modify/delete the default query and run a custom query.
    • Using an OpsQL query, you can customize the report result. If users did not select state and monitorable attributes in the query string, in that case the user selection query would be appended by default with state and monitorable attributes.
      For example, if a user only selects the agentInstalled attribute, the query will automatically show as append state = 'active' AND monitorable = true
      The query will appear as follows:
      state = "active" AND monitorable = "true" AND (agentInstalled = "xxxxxx")
  • Client Selection: You can select Single Client or All Clients from the dropdown list. Only selected client data will get into the report.
  • Availability By: Defines the availability to be presented by resource, service group, or synthetic script.
    • Resource: View availability at the resource level.
    • Service Group: View availability at the service group level.
    • Synthetic Script Availability: Analyze the availability, breaches, and errors as a percentage for each transaction and location within synthetic resources.
  • Down Time Duration: Select the time period over which your environment down time was analyzed.
  • Supported Analysis Period: Supported analysis periods are: Last 24 hours, 7 days, Last month, Last 3 months, and specific period.
  • Attributes Selection: Specify the attributes, including custom attribites, of the selected entities that you want to include as columns in the report. You can customize the order of default attribute by using drag and drop. You are allowed to select a maximum of 25 attributes.
  • Supported Format: Reports are generated only in XLSX format.

Refer to the Resource Availability document to see how the Resource Availability State% works.

Reports Output

Once the report is generated, it will consist of the following sections:

  • Summary: This section provides the configuration details.
  • Availability Summary: This section provides a summary of the availability of your IT environment over a period of time.
  • Detailed Down Time: This section provides detailed outages of your IT environment over a period of time.
  • Location Availability: This refers to the availability of Synthetic Script resources for each configured location.
  • Transaction Availability: This refers to the availability of resources for every action configured in the Synthetic Script resource.
  • Glossary: This section contains detailed information about each section present in the report tab, helping you to understand the generated data better.

Sample of reports in XLSX format:

Reporting apps

Reporting apps

Availability Report Vs Availability Details

Click here to view the supported attributes
Availability ReportAvailability Details
UI Atrributes SelectionDisplay Format In Report
Device typetypeType
Device nameresourceNameResource Name
Device IdidId
Outage start time (IST)N/AOutage Start Time
OutageN/ATotal Outage
Ticket ID/Alert IDN/ATicket Ids, Alert Ids
Device GroupN/ADeviceGroups Name
Current Availability StatusN/AAvailability State
Availability(%)N/AUp(%), Down(%), Undefined(%), Unknown(%)
Downtime DurationN/ATotal Down Time Duration
Scheduled Maintenance Duration(min)N/ASchedule Maintenance Duration
Avg. Latency (ms)N/AAvg. Latency (ms)
SSL Certificate Expiry (Days)N/ASSL Certificate Expiry (Days)
Managed DevicesN/AN/A
Instance IdN/AN/A
Cloud Integration NameN/AN/A
N/AagentConnectivityAgent Connectivity
N/AagentDeployTimeAgent Installation Time
N/AagentInstalledAgent Installed
N/AagentLastConnectedAgent Last Connected
N/AagentPlatformAgent Platform
N/AagentProxyNameAgent Proxy Name
N/AagentVersionAgent Version
N/AaliasNameAlias Name
N/AalternateIpAddressAlternate Ip Address
N/AavailabilityStateAvailability State
N/AavailableAppNameAvailable App Name
N/AcloudInstanceStateCloud Instance State
N/Aconsoles.typeConsoles Type
N/Acpu.numberOfCoresNumber Of Cores
N/Acpu.processorNameProcessor Name
N/AcreatedSourceCreated Source
N/AdeviceGroups.nameDeviceGroups Name
N/AdeviceGroups.uniqueIdDeviceGroups UniqueId
N/AdiscoveredAppNameDiscovered App Name
N/AdiscoveryProfileIdDiscovery Profile Id
N/AdnsNameDns Name
N/AentityTypeEntity Type
N/AfirmwareVersionFirmware Version
N/AgatewayFirmwareVersionGateway Firmware Version
N/AgatewayIdGateway Id
N/AgatewayLastRegRequestTimeGateway Last Reg Request Time
N/AgatewayModelGateway Model
N/AgatewayNameGateway Name
N/AhasRelationshipHas Relationship
N/AhostNameHost Name
N/AinstalledAppNameInstalled App Name
N/AinternalIdInternal Id
N/AipAddressIp Address
N/AlastDiscoveredLast Discovered
N/AlastUpdatedLast Updated
N/AlogicalDiskDrive.driveCaptionDrive Caption
N/AlogicalDiskDrive.driveFreeSpaceDrive Free Space(GB)
N/AlogicalDiskDrive.driveNameDrive Name
N/AlogicalDiskDrive.driveTotalSpaceDrive Total Space(GB)
N/AmacAddressMac Address
N/AmanagementProfileIdManagement Profile Id
N/AmanagementProfileInternalIdManagement Profile Internal Id
N/AmanagementProfileNameManagement Profile Name
N/AmanagementProfileRegisteredManagement Profile Registered
N/AmoIdMo Id
N/AnativeTypeNative Type
N/AncmPolicyNameNcm Policy Name
N/AncmPolicyUniqueIdNcm Policy Unique Id
N/AnetworkCardDetails.adminStatusNetworkCardDetails AdminStatus
N/AnetworkCardDetails.ifAliasNetworkCardDetails IfAlias
N/AnetworkCardDetails.ifDescriptionNetworkCardDetails IfDescription
N/AnetworkCardDetails.ifNameNetworkCardDetails IfName
N/AnetworkCardDetails.ipAddressNetworkCardDetails IpAddress
N/AnetworkCardDetails.macAddressNetworkCardDetails MacAddress
N/AnetworkCardDetails.operationalStatusNetworkCardDetails OperationalStatus
N/AnetworkCardDetails.speedNetworkCardDetails Speed
N/AosTypeOs Type
N/AparentResourceTypeParent Resource Type
N/AphysicalMemoryPhysical Memory
N/AresourceTypeResource Type
N/AresourceTypeDisplayNameResource Type Display Name
N/AresourceTypePathResource Type Path
N/ArootLocationRoot Location
N/AserialNumberSerial Number
N/AserviceGroups.nameServiceGroups Name
N/AserviceGroups.uniqueIdServiceGroups Unique Id
N/AsnmpSupportedSnmp Supported
N/AsoftwareVersionSoftware Version
N/AsyntheticTypeSynthetic Type
N/Atags.nameTags Name
N/Atags.valueTags Value
N/AwmiSupportedWmi Supported
N/AN/ATicket Ids
N/AN/AExt Ticket Ids

Next Steps

Refer to the Installation documentation on how to install and configure the apps.