HTTP/HTTPS monitor tests the availability of the server to handle requests and calculates the connection time.

Configuration Parameters

Before you create the monitor, enable the synthetic agent flag in Setup > Resources > Management Profile > Management Gateways > Synthetic. This flag is used to show your private locations.

After selecting the synthetic monitor type to FTP, enter the follwoing details in FTP CONFIGURATION screen:

SectionField NameDescriptionValues/ExampleField Type
Basic DetailsNameEnter a name for the synthetic monitor.Text
TypeSelect the type of synthetic monitor.HTTP/HTTPSDropdown
HTTP/HTTPS ConfigurationURLEnter the URL to be monitored.
Connection TimeoutMaximum time-out required to connect to the given website.
  • Default value: not NULL
  • Valid values: 1 - 540 seconds
  • Example: 80
Should ContainResponse body should contain specific content. Check the presence of any text in the response of the URL.
  • Default value: empty string
  • Valid values: Alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), pound (#), period (.), less than (<), greater than (>), and spaces.
  • Example: test <123> _testing # test
Should Not ContainResponse body should not contain specific content. Check the absence of any text string in the response of the URL.
  • Default value: empty string
  • Valid values: Alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), pound (#), period (.), less than (<), greater than (>), and spaces.
  • Example: test123_sample # testing
Expected Response CodeThe response code returned from the end server should be one from the mentioned response codes (which is in csv format).
  • Default value: NULL (OpsRamp considers 200 and 300 series as default at the backend)
  • Valid values: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 series response codes
  • Example: 401, 402, 404
Payload Regular ExpressionCreate Regex Patterns to validate the HTTP Response body received from the webserver.
  • Default value: NULL
  • Example: john|Bat|check
Http HeadersHTTP headers
  • Default value: empty string
  • Valid values: valid JSON
  • Example: {"Accept":"application/json","Content-Type":"application/json"}
Http ParamsHTTP parameters
  • Default value: empty string
  • Valid values: valid JSON
  • Example: {"Content-Type":"application/json"}
MethodType of method to execute while monitoring the website.
  • Default value: GET
  • Valid values: GET, PUT, HEAD, POST
  • Example: GET
Assign CredentialsCredential SetSelect the credentials to access the FTP Server from the dropdown list.Dropdown
Proxy SettingsConfiguration TypeEnable Proxy Configuration option and select the configuration type.
  • System: Enter the credential name.
  • Custom: If selected, fill in the following fields:
    • URL: Enter the website URL.
    • Proxy Authentication Type: Choose None or Basic from the dropdown.
Upload/DownloadFile upload optionsSelect an option to upload or download a file:
  • Upload: Choose the Upload File option or provide the path to upload a file to the FTP server.
  • Download: Provide the path to download a file from the FTP server to the local machine.
LocationsPublic LocationsSelect the public locations where the monitor will run.INT Public1Checkbox
Private LocationsSelect the private locations where the monitor will run.INT Private1Checkbox

After configuring, view metrics, and graphical representations for more information.

Graphical Metrics Representation

Supported Metrics

Metric NameUnits

Location Count. The number of locations where the configured host is down

Response time. Duration to do the configured HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT, HEAD) to specified URL

Name Lookup Time. Duration from the start until the DNS name is resolved

Connection Time. Duration from the start until the web server is connected

AppConnect Time. Duration from start until SSL/SSH handshake is completed

Start TransferTime. Duration from start until just when the first byte is received

Redirect Time. Time taken for all redirect steps before the final transfer

Pretransfer Time. Duration from the start until the file requested page transfer is about to start