The SMTP synthetic monitor checks the overall time taken by the SMTP server to send the mail in milliseconds.
Configure parameters of SMTP synthetic monitor
Enter the follwoing details to configure the SMTP synthetic monitor:
Section | Field Name | Description | Values/Example | Field Type |
Basic Details | Name | Enter a name for the synthetic monitor. | Text | |
Type | Select the type of synthetic monitor. | SMTP | Dropdown | |
SMTP Configuration | Host | Enter the IP address/host name of the synthetics. It should be accessible from Gateway. |
| Text |
Connection Timeout | Maximum time-out to connect to the SMTP server. |
| String | |
Port | Enter the port number of the RTT server to communicate with OpsRamp's endpoints. It should be accessible from Gateway. |
| String | |
Connection MessageToSend | The command or message that is sent to the server. |
| Text | |
Recipient List | The Email IDs of the recipients. |
| Text | |
Assign Credentials | Credential Set | Select the credentials to access the FTP Server from the dropdown list. | Dropdown | |
Proxy Settings | Configuration Type | Enable Proxy Configuration option and select the configuration type.
| Checkbox | |
Locations | Public Locations | Select the public locations where the monitor will run. | INT Public1 | Checkbox |
Private Locations | Select the private locations where the monitor will run. | INT Private1 | Checkbox |
After configuring, view metrics, and graphical representations for more information.
Graphical metrics representation
Supported metrics
Metric Name | Units |
availability.down.location.count Location Count. Number of locations where the configured host is down | - |
synthetic.response.time Response time. Total time taken by the server to send the mail | milliseconds |