Week of May 31, 2024 (2024.05-U1)

User Interface Enhancements

Auto-create and add Metrics Tile to Dashboards

You can now auto-create a Metrics tile from metric graph visualizations in Metric 2.0 tab and add them to an existing dashboard or a new dashboard. This feature enables users to add the most frequently used or important metrics to dashboards with fewer clicks thereby improving the user experience.

Enhanced UI/UX for Email Alerts and Custom Integrations

The Email Alerts Integration has the following enhancements for improved UI/UX for better usability:

  • Improved UI for integration configuration.
  • Improved navigation to add integration and alert rules.
  • Assign templates from the contextual menu.
Your GIF 1

The Custom integration that was previously available with five categories in it is now split as separate integrations for each category:

  • Custom
  • Custom (Ticketing)
  • Custom (Event)
  • Custom (SSO)
  • Custom (Automation)
FeatureOld UINew UI
Integration SelectionYou could select from five types of integrations using a single tile with a dropdown list.Each integration type has its own dedicated tile, categorized by integration type.
Placeholder Options DisplaySuggested values for the Placeholder options were displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.The placeholders have been integrated into the fields. By default, these fields are empty. Type a $ symbol for the predefined options to appear. You can then select from the list of options.

Custom Attributes

The Custom Attributes card has been added to Setup > Account. The enhanced UI provides a streamlined experience that allows you to configure custom attributes and assign them to the resources.

Your GIF 2

While the previous location (Setup > Custom Attributes) still exists, we recommend using the new path to improve user experience.

Reporting Apps

The following reporting apps have been updated to enhance your data analysis and monitoring capabilities:
Metered Usage Insights:

  • New Pricing Model Integration: Ensure accurate and transparent billing with the new pricing model, aligning to three key Units of Measure (UoMs) – Metrics Usage, Events/Logs/Traces Usage, and a summary of your usage over the billing period.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain deeper insights into your usage with clear line graphs for Metrics and Events/Logs/Traces usage, allowing you to track trends and identify optimization opportunities. You can also view both weighted and unweighted usage for all resource types for a detailed breakdown.
  • Partner-Level Tracking: If you are a partner managing multiple clients, you will appreciate the ability to track weighted and unweighted usage for each client individually, facilitating more accurate billing and client-specific optimization strategies.

See Metered Usage Insights for more details.

Availability Details:
The availability scores color codes were updated to align with their respective state color codes in the UI. You can see the updated color codes in the Availability Summary sheet of the downloaded Excel sheet.

See Availability Details for more details.

Software Inventory:
A new dropdown field, Select Report Content, has been added, allowing you to generate more focused reports. The available options in the dropdown list are:

  • Applications
  • Services
    This streamlines your data analysis by ensuring that your Excel reports contain only the specific information you need, providing a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

See Software Inventory for more details.

Alert Listing:
Additional attributes have been incorporated, enabling more detailed monitoring and management of alerts. The new attributes supported include:

  • Elapsed Time
  • Acknowledged Time
  • Suppressed Time
  • Ticketed Time
  • Closed Time
  • Created By

Alert Listing, Asset Inventory, and Process Definition Insights:
Like other apps, list-based content data was removed from the UI, showing only the Summary and Glossary.

Core Platform

A new resource type UCS Rack Server is introduced for the resource Cisco UCS Rack Server. However, the resource type of already discovered rack servers remains unchanged even after re-discovery.

You need to use the following API to update the resource type:

POST {{localURL}}/api/v2/tenants/{{tenantId}}/resources/{{resourceUUID}} 
Req Payload 
   “resourceType”:“UCS Rack Server” 

User Management

The following changes have been made in Two-factor registration process:

  • You can now enable or disable two-factor authentication with a toggle button available on the top while editing the existing user
  • Based on Organization preference, the two-factor authentication toggle button becomes mandatory.
  • Administrators cannot activate two-factor authentication for other users for TOTP and DUO authentication.

Assign custom attribute to multiple resources

You can now assign a custom attribute to multiple resources at a time.

Your GIF 3

See Assign custom attribute for more details.

Integration name change

Linux OS - Agentless Integration under the OS category in the installed/available integration page is renamed to Linux OS - Agentless (SSH).
This change is to convey that OpsRamp Gateway uses the SSH protocol to discover and monitor the resources.

SaaS Application

VeloCloud: Component relationship update

The resource relationships for VeloCloud Edge and Edge Links have been updated as follows:

  • VeloCloud Edge is now configured as a componentOf Velo Edge Link
  • VeloCloud Edge Link establishes a connectedTo relationship with Velo Edge.

Juniper Mist: New integration method

You can select the Username and Password option under Credential Type while adding a new Juniper Mist integration. This selection enables dynamic API key generation, thus mitigating rate limit issues and ensuring seamless interaction with Juniper Mist.

Log Management

Log Alert Definition Improvements

A new alert identification section has been added to the log alert definition page. This section allows you to define the scope of alerts and choose between Resource or Client entity types to specify alerts for specific resources or client-level alerts.
This enhancement enables you to precisely define and categorize alerts based on entity type, attributes, components, and labels, enhancing overall log alerting efficiency.

See Alerting based on Logs for more details.

Event Management

Enhanced alert browser column selection

You can now select additional columns such as acknowledgedTime, suppressedTime, ticketedTime, and closedTime from the alert browser column settings.
Selected columns will display corresponding data, allowing you to access each alert’s information quickly.

Enhanced alert email notification template

Resource attribute basic information details including Resource Description, Resource Make, Resource Model, and Resource OS Name are now available as tokens for use in alert email notifications.
You can leverage these resource attribute tokens to dynamically include essential details about the affected resources directly within alert notifications.

Public Cloud

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

You can now directly edit, manage, and unmanage OCI instances from the resource details page without navigating to different screens. This update allows you to make quick changes to your instances and easily adjust their management status.

Automatic removal of resources in AWS integration

When editing the AWS integration, users can choose whether to keep or remove agent-installed resources. If a user edits an instance of the integration and removes a resource type from being discovered, previously discovered resources of that type will now be automatically removed from OpsRamp.
This enhancement ensures consistency in resource management by removing resources that no longer need to be discovered.

See AWS Integration for more details.

Updated method for AWS cost data collection

The AWS cost data collection now defaults to utilizing the Cost Explorer APIs instead of the S3 Bucket method. This update ensures the use of the latest and up-to-date method for retrieving cost data from AWS.
The users who prefer to continue using the S3 bucket method for cost collection need to select the Collect cost data from Amazon S3 bucket option during integration.

Discover HA VPN gateways from Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

The HA VPN gateway from GCP are now discoverable, like classic gateways. Using the API, you can query HA VPN gateways and visualize them within the user interface (UI).

API Enhancements

Enhanced scope query parameter support for v2 Search Template API

The scope query parameter of v2 Search Templates API is not filtering as per the scope, and a few scope parameters are not working. Fixed the same.

Reporting API get/run is not considering the runs created by UI

The GET Runs Reporting API is enhanced to support runs created by UI as well. For further details please refer to API documentation.

Updates in upcoming releases


Starting from July 2024, the Setup > Exports feature will be moved to Setup > Account > Integrations under the Exports category.


The following deprecations will be effective starting from July 2024:

Tenant Management

The following fields are being removed from the Add, View, and Edit Partner workflow as part of new UI changes:

  • Partner details tab
    • Phone number
    • Mobile number
    • Contact name
  • Advanced Settings tab
    • Channel and Escalation Status dropdown lists.

Agent Policies section is being removed from the Add, View, and Edit Client workflow as part of new UI changes.

User Management

  • Business Essentials user option is being deprecated from the Account Type section from Add User workflow. You will be able to view only Regular user and Business user options.
  • U2F two-factor authentication will be deprecated in the edit user workflow. If you have already enabled U2F authentication for any user, it will be reset to the initial state. You can then select from the remaining options available: TOTP, DUO and YUBICO.

Week of April 30, 2024 (2024.04-U1)

User Interface Enhancements


Role-based default landing page
You can now set the landing page according to your role. Your landing page will be tailored specifically to your role, providing a more personalized experience.

Role based default landing page

Tenancy and RBAC

Two-factor lookup

The Two-Factor lookup feature has been added to Setup > Account > Users and Permissions > Users > Lookup Two-Factor Key.

Two factor key - Users listing page


Improved UI for Email Requests and Password Management

Email Requests and ManageEngine Password Manager integrations have an enhanced UI for better user experience and easy accessibility.

Email Requests Integration:

Email Requests - Integration

ManageEngine Password Manager Integration:

ManageEngine Password Manager - Integration



Improved data points selection in line graphs

You can select specific data points within the line graph visualization. This enhancement allows for more precise analysis and interaction with the data presented in the graph.
Note: Press Ctrl + Click to select multiple data points.

Improved Data Points selection - Line graph
Improved Data Points selection - Line graph

Monitoring Management

New Feature

Enhanced integration management

You can now switch the gateway collector of your installed integration to a different gateway to manage or distribute the load of an overloaded gateway by editing the configuration within each installed integration. This enhances the monitoring capabilities.

Changing the gateway collector will now switch discovery and monitoring configurations to the newly mapped gateway, automatically removing configurations from the previous gateway.

Known Issue: If you have configured network configuration backup jobs and have migrated all SNMP discovery configurations from one gateway to another, the network configuration backup jobs will be created on the new gateway, but some jobs will remain on the old gateway. This is a known issue that will be fixed in gateway version 17.2.0.

Reporting Apps

New Features

Added the following widgets to the Reporting Apps:

Antivirus Insights: The analysis report displays updated trends and insights of the antivirus, including antivirus updates, status, and schedule details for the resources.

Audit Details: Offers valuable insights into user and API activities within your IT infrastructure. The analysis report gives you a comprehensive overview of operations performed on resources, groups, service groups, and so on, enhancing your understanding of user activities in your Hybrid IT Operations Environment.

Reporting Apps - Antivirus Insights & Audit Details

Patch Management

New Feature

Patch Baseline support in Patch 2.0

Baseline support is available in Patch 2.0, enhancing your patch management capabilities.

This support extends to Patch Configuration and Patch Compliance as follows:

  • When you select the baseline option in Patch Configuration, all the missing patches specified in the baseline will be installed on the selected devices.

  • When you select the baseline option in Patch Compliance, the system computes and presents the counts for compliant, non-compliant, and not applicable devices against each baseline.

See Patch Baseline for more information.

Log Management


Enhanced Logs Explorer search filters

You can now send desired attributes from Fluent-bit and FluentD integrations to add them to the search filters on the Logs Explorer screen. This enables you to find relevant log data quickly.

OpenTelemetry (OTEL) integration

The Open Telemetry integration enables you to deploy and configure the OTEL collector directly from the OTEL collector contrib repository and pre-configure the collector to gather metrics, logs, and traces using the Helm Chart. This simplifies the deployment process for new Kubernetes cluster users who want to commence monitoring using the OTEL collector without relying on the OpsRamp agent.

Open Telemetry integration

Event Management


  • Added the Update Inference Criteria field to Alert Correlation Policies. It allows you to modify existing inferences based on the specific criteria. When the first correlated alert triggers, it becomes the inference alert. Any subsequent alerts matching the criteria are added to this inference alert.
Update Inference Criteria field to Alert Correlation Policies
  • The comments section displays the user details of the last acknowledged user. You can add comments to an existing acknowledged alert.

  • You can view and manage incidents directly from the incident ID column of an associated alert.

  • If the corresponding alert priority changes, the incident priority is automatically updated based on the priority defined in the ML training file.



You can now customize multi-column support in Trace Explorer by including or excluding predefined trace attributes as columns for the Root Spans and All Spans tables.

Public Cloud


Reduced alert noise for Meraki Integration

Meraki Integration now delivers pre-configured alerts specifically for credential errors, such as invalid credentials. You will no longer receive alerts generated for other scenarios, such as discovery and monitoring issues.

Introduced load balancer backend set in Oracle Cloud integration

Oracle Cloud Integration (OCI) load balancer backend set resources support discovery and monitoring now. Monitoring templates are available for metric collection, and alerts will be generated based on the preset thresholds in the templates.

Week of March 29, 2024 (2024.03-U1)

UI Enhancements

Collector Profile

The Collector Profiles card has been introduced within the Setup > Account section as a replacement for the former Setup > Resources > Management Profiles feature.

The card displays the gateway-based collector profiles for the client, providing the necessary information and configuration of the Management Profiles page.

See Collector Profiles for more details.

Dashboard 2.0 Enhancements

Option to create Public Dashboard

A private dashboard or a shared dashboard can be transformed to a Public Dashboards. These dashboards can be shared with all users within the tenant irrespective of their roles. When a Dashboard within a tenancy is shared with “All Users”, it automatically transforms into a Public Dashboard.

See Dashboard Operations for more details.

Visualize real time status in Geo Map type

The Geo-Map visualization has been enhanced to give users a better understanding about site activity across geographic regions. These markers reflect either the Alert State or Resource Availability.

Below are a few color-coded markers that indicate the status of the site resource:

  • Red: Sites with resource downtime or at least one critical alert on resource are marked in red.
  • Yellow: Sites with warning alert on resource are marked with yellow.

See Geomap for more details.

Dashboard tiles with 15-Day time period

Added “Last 15 Days” option to both dashboard and tile time range settings. Select this option for the widget to display data from the last 15 days starting from the current time.

See Dashboard Operations for more details.

Resource group filter in schedule maintenance tile

The schedule maintenance tile has been enhanced to allow filtering based on Resource Groups. Users can now view the list of schedule maintenance for a selected set of resource groups.

See Schedule Tile for more details.

Increased limit in Honeycomb visualization

The honeycomb list limit has been extended to 100 resources. Users can now visualize their data by zooming in and zooming out of the window.

Enable room mode in dashboard

User now have an option to configure room mode in their dashboards, enabling auto-play of all dashboards within the collection.

See Dashboard Operations for more details.

Agent Enhancement

Removed sensitive information from Agent Deployment Scripts

Due to security reasons, we have decided to remove the auto-populating sensitive information from Agent deployment script (deployAgent.py), shell script (deployAgent.sh) and Ansible script. Instead, customers can provide the necessary command-line arguments to the scripts to install the Agents.

Detailed information of these arguments is available on the Agent download instructions page.

Gateway Enhancement

Support of additional gateway commands execution via Agent

Provided support for the additional gateway commands execution to enhance its capabilities. These commands are accessible only to service provider users and gateway devices.

To access these commands, contact our support team and request them to enable the “enable_gateway_cmd_via_agent” flag.

See Supported Remote Commands for more details.

Tracing enhancements

Tracing UI enhancements

  • The default launch page for traces has been changed to the “Service” insights page, providing easier access to tracing insights. The “Trace Explorer” page can still be accessed via quick links in the menu.
  • Apdex (Application Performance Index) scores have been introduced in service insights and all tabular views, offering valuable tracing insights into applications, services, and operations.
  • A new tabular view called “All Spans” has been added to the Trace explorer page. This view allows users to see all spans, including child spans, based on the query filter provided.
  • The list of top 20 operations on the Service Insights page is now clickable. Clicking on each operation redirects users to the operation overview page for more detailed information.

Support multiple proxy for Tracing Proxy

Added support for multiple proxy server’s configuration in Tracing proxy (OpsRamp traces collector). This will allow users to route the traffic to OpsRamp.

Event Management Enhancements

New Alert browser to show more alerts

The new Alert Browser has been optimized to display more alerts within the window, reducing empty spaces and providing users with more alert information.

Provided Heal option for correlated alert

Users can now heal the Correlated alerts that are in Warning and Critical states by selecting the Heal option. After the Heal action is performed on individual alert, users will no longer see the healed alert in the Alert Browser.

Capture process automation details in alert

When a user creates or updates an OpsRamp process automation workflow, these actions are now logged in the alert comments. This will help users to track which workflow made the changes with all necessary details.

Alert 2.0 Enhancements

Alert Definitions Page under Setup

Alert Definitions link will be moved from Setup > Monitoring and it will be available under Setup > Accounts effective from April 2024.

Resource Management Enhancements

Option to select multiple credentials in a single action

Users can now assign multiple credentials (up to 5) to single or multiple resources. Previously, users could assign only a single credential to single or multiple resources.

See Assign a credential for more details

Public Cloud Enhancements

Support of AWS Dynamo metrics

Following AWS DynamoDB metrics are supported additionally now:

  • AccountProvisionedReadCapacityUtilization
  • AccountProvisionedWriteCapacityUtilization.

Log Backup Storage Size metrics

Azure SQL Database has been enhanced to support Log Backup Storage size metrics.

Support of additional metrics for application gateway in Azure

Added new metrics for Application Gateway in Azure:

  • WAF Managed Rule Matches
  • WAF Custom Rule Matches
  • WAF Bot Protection Matches

Azure Front Door CDN metrics support

We now supports metrics for Azure Front Door CDN.

Reporting Apps Enhancements

Tenant Details Application

Introduced a new application named “Tenant Details” which provides tenants details. Users can now get both partner and client details based on their configuration while generating reports.

See Tenant Details for more details.

User Details Application

Introduced a new application named “User Details”, which provides user details associated with OpsRamp account. This application will help users to generate detailed reports of their organization’s users which are associated with OpsRamp account.

See User Details for more details.

Schedule Maintenance Insights Application

Introduced a new application named “Schedule Maintenance Insight”, which provides the following information while generating the report:

  • Shows details of configured Schedule Maintenance windows.
  • Breakdown of schedule maintenances by status.
  • Breakdown of schedule maintenances status by tenant.

See Schedule Maintenance Insight for more details.

Availability Details App Improvements

The Availability Details app now supports additional attributes such as Latency and SSL information for Synthetic resources.

This enhancement enables users to filter Synthetics by type, name, or URL and view additional columns such as Latency and Certificate Expiry (Days) alongside availability scores.

Integration Framework Enhancements

UI transformation for Events, SSO, Automation integrations

Transitioned all integrations related to the Events, SSO, and Automation category to a new UI. However, the “Email Alerts” integration remains unchanged.

Integration activity log support for users

If API access is enabled for a user, the Administrator can view the logs of the API by selecting the “View Logs” option linked to their user account. This feature allows users to track the API URLs accessed using the key secrets associated with their account.

See Actions on a user for more details.

ServiceNow-OpsRamp certification with Washington version

The OpsRamp-ServiceNow integration is certified to support the latest ServiceNow version, Washington DC. The prior versions (Vancouver, Utah, and Tokyo) are also supported.

See ServiceNow - ServiceNow Store Method for more details.

Bug Fixes

The issue has been resolved where all critical tickets are displayed in the critical section of Topology side panel. Now, the “suppressed” and “correlated” tickets are excluded from the critical section as expected.

Week of February 27, 2024 (2024.02-U1)

UI Enhancements

Extended Support to Share Dashboard 2.0

The Dashboard 2.0 sharing model has been improved to be consistent with Tenancy context. A tenant user can share dashboard to tenant user roles or their client user roles. A client tenant user can share with their defined user roles only.

Note: When selecting the Partner, you can view both the Partner and Client Roles.

Client Roles:

Partner Roles:

See Share and Unshare for more details.

Reset Password via Invite User Flow

Users who are invited through OpsRamp Portal will receive an email link to reset their password.

See Create a user for more details.

Group Resources by Metric Values (CPU, Memory, Storage)

From the Infrastructure > Search > Home tab, you can now view the Top 50 and Bottom 50 resources that are utilizing the CPU, Memory, and Disk based on the Metric value.

See Infrastructure Search for more details.

Transition to New Groups and Sites Page

The “Groups” and “Sites” link under Infrastructure will now redirect users to the Infrastructure > Search home page.

Note: The “Groups” and “Sites” links under the Setup page have been deprecated.

New Groups Page

Click here to view the New Groups Page changes

Transformation of Group Add Page

With the current release, the Group Add page is being transformed as below:

Enhanced Member Matching in Group Creation

Display matching members during Group Creation is transformed as follows:

Enhanced Group Listing Page

You can now navigate to groups from Infrastructure > Groups

Restructuring of Partner-Level Groups

Reorganization of Partner-Level Groups

Partner-level groups have been relocated from Setup > Resources to Infrastructure > Groups. Based on the tenant context, groups can now be added here:

We are migrating all existing groups as part of this transformation into a query.

For example, if we previously had any filters as follows:

They will be transformed into OPSQL format as shown below:

Some other examples of how queries can be used:

  • With tags
  • With ResourceType

The following attributes are no longer supported as part of this transformation:

  • Azure Resource Group Name

New Sites Page

Click here to view the Sites Page changes

Transformation of Sites Add Page

With the current release, the Sites Add page is being transformed as below:

Enhanced Member Matching in Sites Creation

Display matching members during Sites Creation is transformed as follows:

Enhanced Sites Listing Page

You can now navigate to groups from Infrastructure > Sites

Restructuring of Partner-Level Sites

Reorganization of Partner-Level Sites

Partner-level sites have been relocated from Setup > Resources to Infrastructure > Sites. Based on the tenant context, sites can now be added here:

We are migrating all existing sites as part of this transformation into a query.

For example, if we previously had any filters as follows:

They will be transformed into OPSQL format as shown below:

Some other examples of how queries can be used:

  • With tags
  • With ResourceType

The following attributes are no longer supported as part of this transformation:

  • Azure Resource Group Name

Direct Access URL for Views

Users can now copy the direct access URL for a specific view.

Note: With this enhancement, users can conveniently copy the URL of any view across various screens, including Alert, Resource, Logs, Traces, and Tickets.

See Managing views for more details.

Scheduled Maintenance Card

As part of the current release, we have introduced the “Schedule Maintenance” card, now accessible under the Setup > Accounts page. This new feature allows users to conveniently view and manage maintenance schedules for their clients.

In the new schedule maintenance page, we have implemented changes to enhance usability and streamline scheduling processes.

Note: We have dropped support for scheduling maintenance for more than one day within a month in the same schedule.

See Scheduled Maintenance for more details.

Mandatory Agreement to Terms of Use

With the current release, it is mandatory for all customers to agree to the HPE Terms of Use while registering for the application.

Dashboard 2.0 Enhancements

Users now have access to a curated selection of tiles that mirror classic widgets, streamlining the task of duplicating and generating classic-equivalent Dashboards 2.0. This enhancement is designed to promote the adoption of Dashboard 2.0 among users.

See Introduction to Tiles for more details.

New Scheduled Maintenance Tile

Users can now visualize schedule maintenance information via the “Schedule Tile.” This enables users to view both ongoing scheduled maintenance and access upcoming scheduled maintenance windows.

See Schedule Tile for more details.

Title Addition for Single Value Tile

You can now add a title to the Single Value, making it easier to identify and understand.

For example, if you add a header as “Count,” you can customize the color, alignment, and size of the title to suit your preferences.

Note: This feature is applicable for Metric, Alert, Resource, and Ticket tiles, providing greater flexibility and customization options for your dashboard.

See Introduction to Tiles for more details.

Added Multiple Metric Value Utilization

With the current release, users can now incorporate multiple Metric Values, labels, and consistent headings within the Single Value visualizations featured in the Metric Tile.

Previously, the system allowed for only a single query for Single Value representation.

Note: After three queries, users will no longer be able to create additional ones.

See Metric Tile for more details.

Sort Property for Any Tile Type

In Tile preview mode, we have implemented a new functionality where any changes made to the sorting of a column by clicking on the table will now be persisted. This means that the sort order selected during preview mode will replace the sort option previously available in the visualization tab.

Note: This feature is available for Metric, Alert, Resource, Ticket tile.

Option to Export Classic Dashboard to Dashboard - 2.0

Users can now export a “Classic Dashboard'” as a Dashboard 2.0 JSON file using the Export as Dashboard 2.0 option. This allows users to manually import the JSON file and visualize the equivalent Dashboard 2.0.

Note: This feature is currently available in beta version.

Beta release Limitations:

  • Dashboards existing sharing configuration is not supported. User needs to re-share again.
  • Color visualization is with default colors.
  • All the EOL classic widgets will not be part of conversion.
  • Image widget conversion is currently not supported and will get added later.
  • Patch Compliance and Cloud Insights deprecated Widgets are also not part of conversion.

Service Tile Availability Details for Partner Tenancy

Users can now visualize availability information of specific services across clients at the Partner Tenancy.

See Service Tile for more details.

Included Downtime Column in Service Tile

Customers now have the option to include a downtime column in the Service tile. Upon hovering, users can also view a breakdown of the downtime.

See Service Tile for more details.

Usability Improvements in Tiles

Classic widgets mentioned have been removed from the Y-axis for non-metric tiles. The Scale representation has been improved to display whole numbers. Additionally, total count has been added to the doughnut visualization type, enhancing usability and alignment with classic widgets.

Service Map Nodes Enhancement

Service Map Nodes are now tagged with the parent/root node of the service map. This enhancement is designed to assist users in uniquely identifying parent service within the Service Availability widget in Dashboard 2.0.

See Service Tile for more details.

Patch Visualization using Resource Tile

Patch related visualization can now be achieved using resource tile.

With this update, OpsQL will now support patch-related attributes such as missingPatchCount, installedPatchCount, failedPatchCount, and approvedPatchCount as response payload attributes for the resource objects.

SaaS Monitoring Enhancements

Cradlepoint Integration Enhancement

The Cradlepoint integration can now only be installed once per client. The system no longer allows the installation of duplicate integrations.

Monitoring Management Enhancements

Push Changes in the Monitor to Associated Templates

Users now have the option to save the recent changes to associated templates. Upon updating metrics or configuration parameters, an option to save the recent changes to the associated templates is provided.

A popup will prompt users to select and push the changes to the templates, which will subsequently be re-assigned to all affected resources. Alternatively, users can choose to save the monitor changes without selecting templates in the popup, preserving changes solely within the monitor.

Previously, users were required to manually navigate to each associated template, edit, and re-add the monitor to reflect changes.

See Edit a Monitor for more details.

Switch Gateway in the Discovery Settings

Users now have the option to change the gateway and map the discovery and monitoring configuration to a different gateway.

This enhancement will help users to effectively manage or distribute the load from an overloaded gateway to a new gateway or a less overloaded gateway, thereby improving monitoring capabilities.

Previously, when changing the gateway management profile in integrations/apps from gateway#1 to gateway#2, the discovery was mapped to gateway#2 while monitoring remained mapped to gateway#1.

With this update, changing the gateway profile ensures that both discovery and monitoring are switched to the newly mapped gateway, removing them from the previous gateway. This streamlined approach simplifies gateway management and enhances monitoring efficiency.

Validate Button for Expression Error

The Validate button now allows users to check for errors in your expression directly within the creation process.

With this enhancement, you can now verify the accuracy of your expression in real-time while creating a monitor. If any errors are detected, users will have the opportunity to correct the expression on the spot, ensuring that their monitoring setup is accurate and error-free.

Detaching Gateway Alert Enhancement

When you detach the gateway, OpsRamp will generate a critical gateway deregister alert within the client scope. This alert is not mapped to the gateway resource, and you will need to locate these alerts in the alert browser.

Note: Prior to this change, the deregister alert was mapped to the gateway resource.

Metrics Engine Enhancements

Audit for Alert Definition CRUD Operations

Audit data related to the creation, updating, and deletion of Alert definitions is now accessible to users.

Reports/Reporting Apps Enhancements

Login Activity Application

The application displays user login activity, encompassing user details, login and logout statuses, and its duration.

See Login Activity for more details.

Network Backup Insights Application

OpsRamp has introduced a new application named “Network Backup Insight”, this application provides insights into devices configured for network backup.

Users can now view the latest backup details of configured network backup devices, including the status of configuration changes, success, or failure of the backup process.

See Network Backup Insights Application for more details.

Availability Details Application

OpsRamp has introduced a new application named “Availability Details”. This application will provide you with a summary of the availability or detailed outages of resources, service groups, and synthetics over a certain period.

See Availability Details Application for more details.

Support of Custom Attributes (Tags) in Reporting Apps

In the configuration parameters section of Reporting Apps, users can now find a dropdown labeled “Select Tag Name,” which lists all available tag names. Each tag name is selectable and displayed as an individual column, providing the corresponding tag value in the Reporting Apps.

Additional Attributes Support in Asset Inventory Application

We have included additional resource attributes in the asset inventory applications. Users can now filter specific resources using these attributes in the OpsQL query filter.

Default Attributes Added to Ticket Details Application

We have integrated certain ticket attributes into the ticket details application. Users can now filter specific tickets using the available attributes in the OpsQL query filter.

Addition of Client Name to Report Output Filename

The tenant’s name is now incorporated into the Reporting Apps file name. It is simplifying identification by associating the report file name with the respective tenant.

Improvements in Metered Usage Insights Application

We have incorporated all resource types belonging to the tenant and their respective weighted usages into the metered usage application. Users can now identify the usage for each resource type.

Export Enhancements

Batch Export support at client scope

The Batch Export feature is now available at the client scope, enabling users to utilize this functionality directly at the client level. The clients should install supported export integrations to export the data to specific storage accounts.

See Setup Batch Export for more details.

Event Management Enhancements

Extended Learning Period and Alert Generation Conditions for Change Detection

The learning duration for change detection through alert definitions can now be configured up to 30 days.

Time-based correlation extended from 30 minutes to 4 hours

Users can now select a time window of up to 4 hours in alert correlation policies.

Extended Suppression Policy Duration to Over 24 Hours

We have extended the duration options for the First Response Policy “Suppress Alerts” feature to over 24 Hours, which include 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours.

Notification Customization and Package Subscription

The Alert Notification customization screen (accessible through all screens under Setup > Notifications > Alerts) will now be exclusively available to users with an Event and Incident Management package subscription.

Public Cloud Enhancements

Operational Insights Metrics from Azure We now support metrics from Azure Operational Insights; consistent with information provided in the Azure documentation.

API Management Service - Network Connectivity Status of Resources

OpsRamp now includes support for the Network Connectivity metric on API Management Service in Azure.

Monitoring Support for ECS Container Insights

Opsramp now supports metrics for ECS container insights.

Log Management Enhancements

Support for Azure Log Analytics

OpsRamp now offers support for collecting logs from Azure Log Analytics workspace.

New OpenTelemetry Integration

Using the new OpenTelemetry integration you can now ingest telemetry data like metrics, logs, and traces from the already configured OpenTelemetry collector into OpsRamp.

See OpenTelemetry Integration for more details.

Tracing Enhancements

Enhancements to Logs & Tracing Solution

Trace events (if any) part of OLTP trace payloads ingested to OpsRamp can now be viewed on the Logs explorer page using query filter source “trace” and type “events”

Note: This is available only if log management is enabled for that tenant.

Network Topology Management Enhancements

Enhanced Network Topology Rendering for L2 Nodes

A significant enhancement to our network topology visualization! With this update, our system now supports rendering the topology map specifically from Layer 2 (L2) nodes. This improvement offers our customers greater flexibility and insight into L2 functionality within their network infrastructure.

Key Features:

  • L2 Node Visualization: The topology map now highlights L2 nodes, enabling easy identification and analysis of their connections, relationships, and behavior.
  • Granular Insights: Focusing on L2 nodes provides a deeper understanding of data flow, VLAN configurations, and spanning tree protocol operations within your network.
  • Improved Troubleshooting: Quickly identify bottlenecks, loops, or misconfigurations related to L2 nodes.
  • Efficient Planning: Plan network expansions, upgrades, or migrations confidently, understanding how L2 components interact.

See Layer 2 (L2) Topology for more details.

Service Management Enhancements

Request to rename Due Date in Service Desk

The “Due Date” field in the “Task” section has been renamed to “Task Due Date”

Patch Management Enhancements

Patch Configuration Detail API Error

We have addressed the issue of the “Get Patch Configuration Detail” API throwing a 504 error when assigned resources are large.

To resolve this, we have implemented new v3 APIs to fetch:

  • Patch configuration details.
  • Get resource UIDs against config job ID.

See Patch Configuration APIs for more details.

Process Automation Enhancement

Rest Web Services

Users can retrieve the necessary data via the REST web service using the process definition. This process enables you to capture data from the REST web service, with or without sub-processes.

Resource Management Enhancement

v2 Infrastructure | Action | Add Resource

You can now add resources from the UI, from Infrastructure > Search > My Resources Views.

See Infrastructure Search for more details.

Search Device by Any IP

This feature offers the ability to search for a device using multiple IP addresses it possesses, along with its basic search attributes.

See Advanced Search for more details.

Integration Framework Enhancements

Display Modified Date on Integrations and Integration Configurations

We have enhanced the integration interface to include the “Updated By” and “Updated Date” whenever any action is taken, such as modifying discovery configurations, mapping attributes, or inbound/outbound events. These columns are now visible in the listing of installed applications.

See Integrations for more details.

Add Action to Launch Activity Log of an Integration

Introduced a new feature that allows users to launch the activity logs of integrations directly from the interface.

See Audit logs for more details.

Transition of Non-DNM integrations to New UI

We are transitioning all integrations associated with the Ticketing category to a new and improved UI/UX. However, there is one exception: the “Email Requests” integration will remain unchanged.

Note: The placeholder functionality will not be accessible during the creation of Outbound events. We anticipate introducing this feature in an upcoming production update.

See Service Management for more details.

Availability Enhancement

Changes in Resource Availability Score

We have enhanced the Resource Availability score, providing users with a more granular view of the availability states of their resources.

Previously, both UNKNOWN and UNDEFINED states were considered UP, resulting in only two availability states being displayed: UP and DOWN.

With this update, users will now have visibility into each availability state of their resources, allowing them to better understand their operational status. This includes tracking the time the resource spends in UP, DOWN, UNKNOWN, and UNDEFINED states.

See Resource Availability for more details.

API Framework Enhancement

New APIs for Jobs and Scripts

New V3 APIs for automation Jobs and Scripts.

Deprecation Notices

Classic Dashboards

The classic dashboards are being deprecated, and users should now create any new dashboard requirements using Dashboards 2.0 which are feature-rich and customizable according to business needs. The default landing page is configurable to Dashboard 2.0 at the user level.

See Deprecation Notice for more details.

Patch Compliance Widget

The classic Patch Compliance Widget will be deprecated in Classic Dashboards. You will still be able to view the widgets that have already been created. After the deprecation date, you will not be able to create new instances of the Patch Compliance Widget.

See Deprecation Notice for more details.

Metrics Page

The legacy “Metrics” on resource details view will be deprecated and replaced by “Metric 2.0” which has more scalable metric data graph representation and follows industry standard metric nomenclature.

See Deprecation Notice for more details.

Standard Reports

The following reports will be deprecated in Standard Reports:

  • Cloud Report
  • Device Report
  • Inventory Report
  • Network backup report
  • Login Activity Report
  • Ticket Report
  • Cloud Instances Report
  • Monitor Details

See Deprecation Notice for more details.

Week of January 22, 2024 (2023.12-U1)

Core Platform Enhancements

Provided User-Defined protocol security (NLA/TLS) in RDP Console

When the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) remote console is launched, the default security protocol is configured to NLA. With this release, users now have the option to choose between the NLA or TLS security protocols.

See Launch browser consoles for RDP for more details.

Allocate Credentials to Multiple Resources

This feature allows users to assign credentials to multiple resources (up to 50 at a time) directly from the Infrastructure search resource listing page. Additionally, users have the option to assign credentials to individual resources through the resource summary slide-out.

See Assign a credential for more details.

Add Notes to Resources

This feature enables users to add notes to resources directly on the infrastructure search resource list page. Additionally, users can add notes to individual resources through the resource summary slide-out.

See Assign a note for more details.

Network Topology Management Enhancements

Resource Group-based Network Topology Visualization

A new Resource Group option has been introduced to improve the visualization of network topology. This functionality allows the rendering of resources/devices within a designated group.

See Access Topology - Resource Groups for more details.

Network Topology UI Enhancements

The existing Network topology has been enhanced to provide users with the ability to individually expand each node. For example, in cases where two nodes have multiple links between them, users now have the option to expand these connections as needed.

See View Nodes and Link information for more details.

Cloud Monitoring Enhancements

Support for G2 Templates in SaaS Applications Monitoring

Implemented support for G2 templates across all Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, enabling users to seamlessly utilize G2 templates within the OpsRamp platform for various SaaS applications.

See G2 Templates Support for more details.

Alibaba, AWS, and Azure Cloud SDKs Updated to the Latest Version

The latest versions of software development kits (SDKs) have been implemented into the OpsRamp platform to discover and monitor Alibaba, AWS, and Azure Cloud. This implementation ensures that OpsRamp maintains up-to-date and effective integration with the respective cloud services.

UI Enhancements

New Interface for Creating Scheduled Maintenance

Users now have access to a new interface from the Infrastructure > Search > Home tab to create a maintenance schedule for a resource group or site.

See Manage Resource Groups and Sites for more details.

Display Logs for Device Groups and Sites

An enhanced interface is now available for users to view logs for resource groups and sites from the Infrastructure > Search > Home tab. This new interface provides an improved and user-friendly experience to access and review the logs of resource groups and sites.

See Manage Resource Groups and Sites for more details.

Personalized Dashboard landing page

Users can now set a preferred landing page and client/partner context according to their profile settings. For example, a user can designate Dashboard 2.0 as their default landing page.

See My Profile for more details.

Traces Enhancements

New metrics support in Tracing Proxy

The tracing proxy has been updated with the introduction of new metrics, including:

  • trace_apdex_latency: This metric establishes buckets according to the configured apdex threshold for latency in milliseconds. As traces are ingested, they categorize into these buckets based on their latency values, subsequently increasing the counter associated with each bucket. The counter for a specific bucket can be accessed through the auto-generated metric trace_apdex_latency_bucket{le="< latency>"}.
  • trace_response_http_status: Indicates the total count of requests based on HTTP status codes.
  • trace_response_grpc_status: Represents the total count of requests based on GRPC status codes.

Trace Details page enhancements

The trace details page has been enhanced to display service level latency for the specific trace, accompanied by a visual representation in the form of a pie chart.

See View Traces for more details.

Dashboard 2.0 Enhancements

Geomap for Dashboard 2.0

The Geomap visualization feature enables users to quickly analyze and comprehend location-specific data with a simple glance. Users can now incorporate a Geomap into Dashboard 2.0, enabling them to visually depict alerts or resources based on site location.

Note: The Geomap functionality is only available for Resource Tile and Alert Tile.

See Alert Tile and Resource Tile for more details.

Advanced Filtering Capabilities for all Variable Types

The dashboard variable’s usability has been enhanced to function as universal attributes applicable to all tiles. Enhanced performance is noticeable as tiles that leverage the specified variable will automatically refresh when there are updates to the values.

See Variable Filters for more details.

Integration Framework enhancements

Updated Credential Set details reflect in the linked SDK apps

Modifying the credential set will trigger automatic updates for the linked SDK apps associated with that specific credential set.

Event Management Enhancements

Generate Forecast Alerts in Alert Definitions using PromQL

Users can configure forecasts directly from Alert Definitions. This allows them to overcome existing limitations present in template-based forecasts, such as constraints on the number of devices and metrics.

See Alert Definitions for more details.

Reports/Reporting Apps Enhancements

Introducing Gateway Details Application in Reporting apps

The new application offers in-depth information about your managed Gateways, encompassing essential gateway details and capacity metrics. This includes the number of managed devices, metrics collected, and utilization statistics for CPU, memory, and disk.

See Gateway Details for more details.

Introducing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Support in Reporting apps

The RBAC functionality has been integrated into the following reporting apps:

  • Metric Insights
  • Network Utilization

The generation of report data will be as per the user roles and permissions.

See Permissions for more details.

Provided option to share the analysis in Reporting apps

The Sharing Analysis feature is now available in Reporting Apps, offering the following functionalities:

  • Users can now share their analysis with others based on their roles within the same scope.
  • Analysis configurations are automatically shared with default administrators by default.

See Share the Analysis for more details.

Process Automation Enhancements

Enabling Resource Custom Attributes in Process Definitions

A new token support has been introduced in the resource entity for tags, that allows iteration over resource tags and enables filtering based on both tag names and values.

See Process Automation Variables for more details.

Service Management Enhancements

Automated Escalated Priority for Tickets Created by Designated Users

Users can now set the default priority to ‘urgent’ for specific individuals, identified as important users, via the service desk settings found in the Setup > Service Desk settings.

As a result, if a user from the designated user group creates a new ticket either from their login or by specifying the user in the “requestedBy” field—whether done manually or through the Ticket Create API with the “requestedBy” property in the request payload—the default priority will be automatically set to urgent.

See Service Desk for more details.

Deprecation Notices

The Containers page will be deprecated by July 2024. As an alternative, we encourage users to use Dashboard 2.0 or the new resources page to view their containers or view metrics for any specific set of containers.
See Deprecation Notices for more details on alternative solutions or a roadmap. Please reach out to OpsRamp support for any further queries.